Thursday, 30 June 2016

How to Choose a Wargame

I have recently questioned why I like Fantasy Wargaming and exactly what is important to me when choosing a game to play. As such, I have decided to list what I consider to be the various factors involved in choosing a game and how I would prioritize them. Here's the list I came up with and my order.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Multi-basing Elves for Kings of War

I'm slowly going through a process of multi-basing a number of my armies for Kings of War. The best thing about KoW, in my opinion, is that it allows for multi-basing, because individual miniatures do not need to be removed as casualties.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

My favourite Fantasy Armies

Like everyone, I enjoy a good list and as such, here is a list of my favourite fantasy armies.

1. Dwarfs

Dwarfs are small, stout people with prominent features and long beards. I like miniatures because they are small (among other reasons) and Dwarfs are some of the smallest. Angry, grumpy and often drunk, Dwarfs are possibly the complete opposite of myself, but for some reason they have always appealed to me. Every chance I get, I choose to play as the Dwarf - in D&D, board games and of course, wargames.

Why do I like Fantasy Wargaming?

In the late 80's and early 90's Games Workshop and the games they produced were starting to appeal to a generation of kids and early teens. I fall into this generation and my story is similar to many others my age.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Kings of War 3500 points

A few weeks ago I played in a 3500 points game of Kings of War. It was Elves (me) and Brotherhood versus Varangur and Night Stalkers. The game was played on a 8' x 4' table with plenty of terrain. A basic kill scenario was used, but the main aim was simply to have fun. In the end the bad guys were victorious, crushing the Human - Elf alliance and destroying all in their path.

Black Fire Pass

Welcome to Black Fire Pass, a deep chasm through the Black Mountains. Here you will find great Treasures such as Kings of War, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Age of Sigmar and The 9th Age. Sit a while and warm yourself by the fire, for on the other side there is only madness.