A few weeks ago I played in a 3500 points game of Kings of War. It was Elves (me) and Brotherhood versus Varangur and Night Stalkers. The game was played on a 8' x 4' table with plenty of terrain. A basic kill scenario was used, but the main aim was simply to have fun. In the end the bad guys were victorious, crushing the Human - Elf alliance and destroying all in their path.
This is the first time I have played Elves, having only just painted the army. Unfortunately I ran out of time to complete the the four heroes, but all the other units were finished and everyone was suitably impressed.
The 1750 point army list:
- Elven King
- Horse
- Elven Mage
- Bane Chant
- Inspiring Talisman
- Army Standard Bearer
- Army Standard Bearer
- Kindred Tallspears [horde]
- Kindred Archers [horde]
- Stormwind Cavalry [regiment]
- Potion of the Caterpillar
- Stormwind Cavalry [regiment]
- Silverbreeze Cavalry [troop]
- Silverbreeze Cavalry [troop]
- Bolt Thrower
- Bolt Thrower
Elves are really fun to paint and are certainly made easier due to being such an elite army. I have chosen to stick with only Elven units and not to include units such as Treemen, Forest Shamblers etc. for aesthetic reasons.
The next units I have to add to this army are Sea Guard, Palace Guard and Kindred Gladestalkers.
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